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[EXT] Jan 8 2024: I no longer welcome AI replacing me, I fear it

Dead internet theory is dead!

Why is JavaScript single threaded? (Go is multi-threaded)

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RAG documents for job application autofill

React: UI string pattern matching with Regex

Cookie Clicker: React Refs

Go Routines

Custom TS React hook: useFetch

Will A.I. Replace Coding Jobs?

Snow Crash: Machine Learning & The Future of Research

Object-Oriented Programming in JS: 3. Data Manipulation

Object-Oriented Programming in JS: 2. Prototypal Inheritance

Object-Oriented Programming in JS: 1. Data lookup on objects

Oct 18 2022: Constraining TS Generics with "Extends" pattern

Sept 20 2022: Intro to Generics with Type-Level-Typescript

Sept 2 2022: Discriminated Unions in TypeScript

Aug 31 2022: Destructured variable from array (JS)

Aug 23 2022: Turning NextJS into CRA

[EXT] Aug 21 2022: Parse data like a Blade Runner with JavaScript

[EXT] Aug 15 2022: Find the Mode of a dataset (sub. Español)